State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship Details:
The State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) Foundation takes an active role in assisting communities across North Carolina and truly believes in “people helping people!” Although the SECU Scholarship Program wishes to recognize academic achievement, the “People Helping People” Scholarship has a much broader purpose; recognizing leadership, integrity and community involvement.
$10,000 for a senior to attend one of the 16 constituent campuses of the University of North Carolina.
$5,000 two-year scholarship to a graduating senior from early college and cooperative innovative high schools.
February 28, 2017
All seniors meeting the following requirements are eligible:
Must be attending a NC regular public high school.
Must be a US Citizen and resident of NC.
Must be attending one of the 16 UNC system universities.
Must have at least a 2.5 GPA.
Must have demonstrated leadership, excellence of character, integrity and community involvement.
*See your guidance counselor (Mrs. Bridges) in the guidance office for more information!